M: Then what kind of apartment do you prefer?
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W: Just relax and think about the interview. I事实上2013浙江省会考补考’ll get you there in good time.
C. In Poland.2013年会考补考时间(需要获取的信息)
W: We’ll be fine when we get off the motorway. Don想知道工作’t worry.你看2013会考补考结果(对话中提供的仅有的相关信息)We’re almost at the exit.
Rent: not more than(4) 年初(需要复制与加工的信息)(记录为阿拉伯数字)pound a month
M: M-U-R-P-H-Y考查(对话中提供的复制与加工信息), right?
M: Three! That看着结果’s only half an hour from now. We通告’re never going to make it!
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