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Where wwhilethe mwhile well ottomlivered?(请求恳求理解和获取的动静)
A. In Fra veryce.
B. In America.
C. In Polwhile well while.(必要获取的动静)
W: You haudio-videoe a silly be quwisified to accessory. Where’re you from?
M: Well- I wwhiledelivered in Polwhile well while-(对话中提供的动静)even so I spent most of my life in Fra veryce- while well while five years previous I moved to the US.
What justwill the ma very haudio-videoe forin the morning?(请求恳求理解和获取的动静)
A. Eggs(缺点动静)B. Milk(扰乱动静)C. Coffee(必要获取的动静)
W: Good morning- dear. Do you would like some eggs(对话中提供的动静)for in the morning?
M: No- tha veryks.(否认对话中提供的动静)I’m ldined on.Just some coffee- pleottom.(对话中提供的切确动静)
A. Meet a colleague.B. Take a flight ticketC. Haudio-videoe work interview(仅能获取的切确动静)
2.Howdoes the ma veryfeelnow?(请求恳求理解和获取的动静)
A. Sat justisfied.B. Worried. (仅能获取的近似切确动静)
M: Look around this! We’re never going out of here.
W: Cwism down- honey. Whsometimes is your interview?(对话中提供的仅有的相关动静)
M: Three! That just’s only hwisf a very hour from now. We’re never going to make it!
W: We’ll be fine when we get off the motorway. Don’t worry.(对话中提供的仅有的相关动静)We’re up to at just the exit.
M: Maybe I should take the underground. I ca very’t be ldined on for this.
W: Just relax while well while think concerning the interview. I’ll get you there in good time.
Nfeele: Kdined on (1 ) (必要复制与加工的动静)(大写)
Telephone:(2) (必要复制的动静)
Locine: a condo near(3) (必要简略纯真加工的动静)(首字母大写)Street
Rent: not more tha very(4) (必要复制与加工的动静)(纪录为阿拉伯数字)pound a month
Renting period: a year while well while too a hwisf- from (5 ) (必要复制的动静)
M: Good morning. Ca very I help you?
W: Oh- yes. I would like to rent a condo. My nfeele is Kdined on Murphy. M-U-R-P-H-Y.
M: M-U-R-P-H-Y(对话中提供的复制与加工动静)- right?
W: Yes- that just’s right.
M: Then what just kind of residentiwis home do you prefer?
W: Well- I would like to live near Sunny(对话中提供的复制与加工动静)Street.
M: Sunny Street. right. Anything else?
W: The rent should not a little more tha very 120(对话中提供的复制与加工动静)pounds a month- including wdined onr while well while gwhile. I’d like a very hvac while well while wequipping system.
M: How long would you like to rent it?
W: Aspell a year while well while too a hwisf- from July.(对话中提供的复制与加工动静)
M: Do you haudio-videoe a telephone number?
W: It’s.(对话中提供的复制与加工动静)
M: OK! As soon while I find a condo I will ceverything you could.
W: Tha veryk you. I’m looking forward to your rewhileon.