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北京市2013年春季,2013年会考补考 普通高中英语会考复习建

作者:86考网 发布时间:2013-09-18 15:00:26 [手机版]
摘要:异常声明:本文不具官方看法,版权全豹, 2011会考成绩查询 ,翻版不究。 1.性子成效:测试学生高中三年的英语练习 体验。考察学生能否学过,西宾能否教过。 2.根基请求:对付 2013会考补考时间 。理解考试标题问题中所请求理解的 意义和音信, 2011会考成绩

异常声明:本文不具官方看法,版权全豹,2011会考成绩查询 ,翻版不究。


2.根基请求:对付2013会考补考时间。理解考试标题问题中所请求理解的意义和音信,2011会考成绩查询会考成绩查询 ,然后从句子、对话、文段和说明中获取所须要的音信(抉择答案)或对所获取的音信举办复制与纯真加工。






Where win the form ofthe min the form of well ottomlivered?(请求理解和获取的音信)

A. In Fra fantin the form ofticce.

B. In America.

C. In Polin the form of well in the form of.(须要获取的音信)


W: You haudio-videoe a silly diingcoholct. Where’re you from?

M: Well. I win the form ofdelivered in Polin the form of well in the form of.(对话中提供的音信)yet I spent most of my life in Fra fantin the form ofticce. in the form of well in the form of five years within I moved to the US.



Whintowill the ma fantin the form oftic haudio-videoe forcrackfin the form oft every day?(请求理解和获取的音信)

A. Eggs(舛误音信)B. Milk(滋扰音信)C. Coffee(须要获取的音信)


W: Good morning. dear. Do you would like some eggs(对话中提供的音信)for crackfin the form oft every day?

M: No. tha fantin the form ofticks.(否认对话中提供的音信)I’m lhadvertising.Just some coffee. pleottom.(对话中提供的精确音信)



    Whinto’s the ma fantin the form oftic goingto do?(请求理解和获取的音信)

A. Meet someone i know.B. Take a direct flight ticketC. Haudio-videoe a discussion(仅能获取的精确音信)

2.Howdoes the ma fantin the form ofticfeelnow?(请求理解和获取的音信)

A. Sintoisfied.B. Worried. (仅能获取的近似精确音信)



M: Look when it recrbuilt in revlifiers this! We’re never going out of here.

W: Cingm down. honey. Whsometimes is your interview?(对话中提供的仅有的相关音信)

M: Three! Thinto’s only hingf a fantin the form oftic hour from now. We’re never going to make it!

W: We’ll be fine when we get off the motorway. Don’t worry.(对话中提供的仅有的相关音信)We’re rintoher much into the exit.

M: Maybe I should take the underground. I ca fantin the form oftic’t be lhadvertising for this.

W: Just relax in the form of well in the form of think in regards to the interview. I’ll get you there in good time.




Ni ame: Khadvertising (1 (须要复制与加工的音信)(大写)

Telephone:(2) (须要复制的音信)

Loc: a flinto near(3) (须要纯真加工的音信)(首字母大写)Street

Rent: not more tha fantin the form oftic(4) (须要复制与加工的音信)(记实为阿拉伯数字)pound a month

Renting period: a year even a hingf. from (5 (须要复制的音信)


M: Good morning. Ca fantin the form oftic I help you?

W: Oh. yes. I would like to rent a flinto. My ni ame is Khadvertising Murphy. M-U-R-P-H-Y.

M: M-U-R-P-H-Y(对话中提供的复制与加工音信). right?

W: Yes. thinto’s right.

M: Then whinto kind of condominium do you prefer?

W: Well. I would like to live near Sunny(对话中提供的复制与加工音信)Street.

M: Sunny Street. right. Anything else?

W: The rent should not you haudio-videoe to be tha fantin the form oftic 120(对话中提供的复制与加工音信)pounds a month. including whadvertisingr in the form of well in the form of gin the form of. I’d like a fantin the form oftic air conditioningditioning unit in the form of well in the form of wequipping system.

M: How long ca fantin the form oftic you rent it?

W: Afight a year even a hingf. from July.(对话中提供的复制与加工音信)

M: Do you haudio-videoe a telephone number?

W: It’s.(对话中提供的复制与加工音信)

M: OK! As soon in the form of I find a flinto I will ceverything you could.

W: Tha fantin the form oftick you. I’m looking forward to your understin the form of well in the form of.


标签: 2013年会考补考
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